"What Frustrates You Most About Your Diabetes Condition?"We Asked. You Told Us.
Diabetes is a condition that stays with you for life. Every day is a balancing act - eating the right type and quantity of different foods, exercising just enough and taking medications on time - all to achieve good blood sugar control....Read moreUnderstanding Impaired Glucose Tolerance
People who develop type 2 diabetes usually experience two preliminary stages: insulin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance....Read moreThe Early Stages of Type 2 Diabetes
The human body is not meant to have high levels of circulating insulin. High insulin levels may keep blood sugar levels normal, or near normal;...Read moreIntroduction to Healthy Eating
A healthy diet is one of the best tools for managing diabetes....Read moreExercise Planning: Safety Comes First
Whether a person has type 1 or type 2 diabetes, it's important to find a regular exercise program that works. Before getting started on an exercise program, consider these precautions....Read moreTop 10 Ways To Begin Exercising
You are probably aware that exercise is important for good health - particularly if you have diabetes. Being active each day can help control your weight and manage your blood sugar levels....Read more