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PediaSure 3+

For child age from 3 -10 years old. For picky eaters.

PEDIASURE® upgraded formula 

Added Mini Peptites+, with other 37 key Nutrients for your kid optimal catch up growth.

Complete, Balanced Nutrition to Help Kids Grow PediaSure® is the first child nutrition supplement scientifically designed to address the needs of the growing child to promote catch-up growth. PediaSure®, now with added mini peptides+, provides 38 nutrients needed to support healthy growth and development. Supported by over 30 years of clinical evidence, PediaSure® helps children at nutritional risk to catch up on growth.


^These include calcium, iron, and zinc. Reference: FitzGerald RJ, Meisel H. Caseinphosphopeptides (CPPs) as functional ingredients. In: Mattila-Sandholm T, Saarela M, eds. Functional Dairy Products. Cambridge, 840 UK: Woodhead Publishing Ltd.; 2003:187-202.

+Mini Peptides refer to casein phosphopeptides (CPPs) from casein hydrolysate.

#Significant difference in height gain at 90 days between children 3-5 years at nutritional risk who received PediaSure plus dietary counseling, and those who received dietary counseling alone. Reference: Alarcon PA, et al. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2003;42(3):209-17.

Based on IQVIA, using the ProVoice Survey conducted from September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021 among 3,041 pediatricians in US.

*Children at nutritional risk who received PediaSure plus dietary counseling gained more height than those who received dietary counseling alone. Reference: Alarcon PA, et al. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2003;42(3):209-17.

**Calcium supplementation (300 mg) has been found to increase bone mineral content in children with habitually low calcium intakes. Two servings of PediaSure provide 450 mg calcium. Reference: Lee WTK, et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 1994;60:744-50.

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