DIRECTIONS FOR PREPARATION AND USE: Similac® Gain IQ should be diluted with water and used as beverage to complement the solid food diet. Proper hygiene, handling and storage are important when preparing formula. Pour the correct amount of boiled water that has been left to cool into a cleaned and sterilized feeding bottle. The boiled water should be no less than 70˚C. Mix thoroughly by shaking or swirling the bottle gently. Check the temperature of the feed by dripping a few drops on your wrist. It should be lukewarm, not hot. Fill enclosed scoop by pressing against the tin, then scrape level with the straight edge of a knife, Add one scoop of Similac® Gain IQ powder to each 60ml (2 fl oz) of lukewarm
previously boiled water. Mix until completely dissolved. If not used immediately, prepared Similac® Gain IQ should be stored in the refrigerator and use within 24 hours. Once feeding begins, use within one hour or discard.
STORAGE: Store unopened tin under normal room conditions. Once this tin is opened, contents should be used within three weeks. Cover
opened tin and store in cool, dry place (not in refrigerator).
WARNING: Never use a microwave oven to prepare o warm formula. Serious burns can result.

If endorsed by your doctor or medical advisor, follow medical advice carefully on how much and how often to feed. These are only suggested feeding intakes, every child is different.