Losing Weight Can Help Control Type 2 Diabetes
Losing weight is not always easy. But understanding how critical weight loss may be to both preventing and controlling type 2 diabetes is a step in the right direction. Here are some essential tools to get you started. Remember, slow and steady wins this race.
Losing Excess Weight Can Improve Blood Glucose Control
People who carry excess body weight have extra fatty tissue. This fatty tissue produces substances that are thought to interfere with the body's ability to control blood glucose levels. This may contribute to insulin resistance, the condition in which the body must produce higher-than-normal levels of insulin to move glucose out of the bloodstream and into cells. With insulin resistance, the following processes can occur:
Moving Toward a Healthier Lifestyle
Losing weight is really about changing your lifestyle rather than dieting. With a diet, most people lose weight only to gain it back when they resume their previous lifestyle.
Diet Tips for losing weight
Making Weight Loss a Lifestyle
Work exercise into your life: Every little bit counts and exercise isn't only found in a gym. Choose a more distant parking spot or take the stairs.